International Montessori School, Albania has been awarded the converted STAR Accreditation for the third time. IMSA is the first school in Albania to receive this well-respected accreditation and, after a recent assessment, has passed with flying colours once again.

The STAR accreditation is designed to ensure the delivery of high-quality Montessori educational provision through the UK and overseas.

For IMSA to be awarded the honour of remaining STAR Accredited, assessors looked into the quality of educational provision in several areas from the resources provided to the quality of teaching and the authenticity of the Montessori ethos.

Here are some of the specific things we at IMSA have demonstrated we deliver:

  • Well-informed observers who prepare rich, dynamic indoor and outdoor learning environments
  • Holistic support and provision for children that considers the child's whole self including physical, cognitive, social, emotional, psychological and spiritual development
  • Support and enrichment of every child's independence and uniqueness
  • Positive social interactions between children and children and teachers
  • A setting that continuously provides activities and resources that children engage with freely.
  • Classrooms that are planned, prepared and maintained with appropriately arranged learning materials.
  • Freedom of choice and boundaries of behaviour
  • An enriching environment that offers resources relevant to all the children’s cultures and where children are encouraged to have a positive sense of identity and culture
  • Quality of teaching and teacher skill
  • Commitment to the Montessori philosophy
  • Teachers who value and respect children and families equally.
  • A setting offering regular opportunities for parents and other stakeholders to learn about the Montessori ethos

At IMSA, we understand that children who have opportunities to make their own choices and are encouraged to be independent in their actions and decision-making, develop a strong sense of self, natural confidence and curiosity as well as a sense of well-being and belonging. We believe these qualities serve them well in their education and throughout their life. We are extremely proud to provide an educational setting where this ethos is lived every day.

We are also very proud of all the IMSA team who have done their students and parents proud by not only achieving the accreditation but by receiving an extremely positive report from the assessors.

It has been a pleasure to assess The International Montessori School of Albania where children are able to experience wonderful, supportive environments and plenty of outside opportunities for learning and exploration. There is a very strong presence of the Montessori ethos at this setting and staff and management continually work to ensure that this is present, prominent, and understood across their activities and interactions with the children and their wider community, and parents.”

STAR Assessors